Quiz Answers

1. What is Bonnie's full name?
Bonnie Bedelia Culkin

2. Where was Bonnie born?
New York City

3. What are the names of Bonnie's children?
Jonah and Uri

4. In what film did Bonnie make her debut?
The Gypsy Moth (1969)

5. Bonnie has a famous Nephew. Who is he?
Macualay Culkin

6. Who is Latrelle?
Bonnie's character in Sordid Lives

7. Who played Bonnie's on-screen husband in Die Hard?
Bruce Willis

8. What is the proffesion of Bonnie's character in Heart Like a Wheel?
Racing Driver

9. Who plays Bonnie's on-screen son in Sordid Lives: The Series?
Jason Dottley

10. Bonnie recorded 'The Best Things in Life are Free' for one of her movie's soundtracks. Which movie?
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

If you didn't do so well, maybe you need to check out the biography and character sections of this site again!